Customer Loyalty: The Definitive Playbook

Building lifelong customer relationships is hard. If it weren’t, you probably wouldn’t be reading this. The truth is, there are tons of competitors vying for customer loyalty in any given industry. And on top of that, there are many strategies to increase customer loyalty. We’re here to ease your pain points and provide you with a proven model to blow your competitors away.

Our six chapters and accompanying top-notch resources act more like steps to acquire and retain customers for life. You’ll get access to a proven model and top industry insights to develop the right customer-centric strategy for your company. If you find this definitive guide helpful, feel free to share.

Chapter 1: The Importance of Cross-Channel Data Capture & Synthesize

With an abundance of engagement channels – such as online, in-store, social, and mobile – brands have data from several disparate sources. It’s never been more important to synthesize these data silos into one platform and gain a single customer view.

12 Smart Ways To Work With Customer Data More Effectively

Capturing data is extremely important when it comes to understanding who your central audience is. Yet, with data coming from numerous outlets, it is necessary to learn to how to effectively work with your customers data. This article details 12 way to more effectively use your customers data.

How the Marketers Role is Growing in This Digital Age

Data has little to no value if you are unable to understand it and turn it into valuable insights. Cross-channel attribution within marketing allows business to spend less because they understand their customers better.

Chapter 2: How to Get More Customer Intelligence from Big Data

When you have your customer data centralized under one platform, it’s time to start understanding your customers. What are their preferences and purchasing trends? Where do they shop, and what communication channels do they use? Customer intelligence is a necessary piece to the loyalty puzzle.

Customer Intelligence

With customer intelligence being the link between business intelligence and customer relationship management, getting a 360-degree view of the customer has never been more necessary. This detailed article educates on how to get this holistic view and then effectively target customers on a personal level.

How Data Allows You To Create Tailor-Made Customer Experiences

Improving your customers experience doesn’t have to be as tricky as it may sound. By using data you can better understand your customers through data you can tailor experience to cater their wants and needs.

Capturing Quality Data for Better Marketing

By not understanding how to properly use your companies data you might be wasting money without even realizing it. This article will help you to better understand the value of data-capturing strategies to help create customer incentives.

Chapter 3: The Increasing Value of Customer Segmentation

Segmentation empowers brands to bucket customers that exhibit similar demographics, purchasing behaviors, preferences, communication tendencies, etc. It’s a powerful process that makes customer profiling much easier and efficient.

How To Segment Leads And Customers To Provide Better Experiences

Are you interested in learning why and how segmentation could help you achieve your business goals. Forbes outlines the critical whys and hows of using customer segmentation in this article.

How is Marketing Segmentation used in Customer Retention?

Customer segmentation allows companies to target customers using particular traits. These personalized messages allow customers to feel excited to stay loyal to a particular brand. Check out our article highlighting successful segmentation strategies.

Chapter 4: Why Customer Profiling Provides a Holistic Customer View

Building customer profiles is an essential exercise to understand your different types of customers. Once you understand who your customers are, you can target them personally and uniquely, thereby maximizing marketing ROI and customer value.

How to Augment ROI With These Five Digital Marketing Strategies

This article focuses on five unique ways that companies and augment ROI. Forbes specifically looks at using data as a tool to build a customer profile in order to increase ROI.  

Customer Profiling: Using Your Customer Data to Improve Your Marketing ROI

Dun & Bradstreet highlight the benefits of customer profiling, including increased customer acquisition and retention. Marketers who understand their customers can arm their sales teams with qualified leads and consequently increase their marketing ROI.

Quantzig Reveals Top Benefits of Building a Customer Profile That Every Business Must Know

Quantizg outlines four key reasons that businesses should to build customer profiles to help businesses identify the right targets as well as to help consumers feel valued and cared for.

Chapter 5: How Personalized Marketing Can Augment Engagement

If a female customer only purchases red dresses, it doesn’t make sense to send her an email about a blue dress. Rather, an email about complimentary shoes for a red dress makes much more sense. Personalized marketing empowers brands to engage customers with only relevant products, services, experiences, etc. That’s why personalized marketing boosts customer retention, acquisition, and lifetime value.

The Psychology of Personalization: Why We Crave Customized Experiences

HubSpot takes on a scientific journey about why humans demand customized experiences. It’s a neat read that proves the need for personalized marketing.

6 Email Personalization Techniques That Go Beyond a Name

If you’re struggling to personalize your content, you’re not alone. Kissmetrics shares six ready-to-rock strategies to personalize your email marketing.

How Personal are your Promotions?

Personalization starts with data. One way to gather data to help further personalization is through promotions. Our blog gives you all the tips to make sure your personalized marketing efforts make a difference.

Chapter 6: Use Omnichannel Marketing to Extend Your Reach

Customers are demanding brand engagements from more channels than ever before. Failure to interact with customers via any given channel – such as mobile, in-store, or social – is a missed opportunity to earn customer loyalty. True omnichannel marketing empowers marketers to reach customers at every channel and with a purpose.

7 Inspiring Examples of Omni-Channel User Experiences

Hubspot elaborates on seven companies that are killing the game when it comes omnichannel experiences. This is a solid read for inspiration on effective omnichannel strategies and approaches.

Brands are Winning Thanks to and Omnichannel Approach to E-Commerce

The e-commerce marketplace has grown immensely over the past few years. In this article, Forbes, attributes an omnichannel approach to many brands success within e-commerce.

Why Omnichannel is the Future of Retail for Millennials (And Everyone Else, Too)

Turning your data into useful information is critical, yet, it is more difficult now that the modern consumer is no longer a single-channel shopper. With millennials using multiple platforms within retail markets, it is crucial to use data from disparate sources and synthesize them into one channel.

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